Monday, 30 January 2012

Can I play?

My dog decided to be part of the action while quoting a blog called  Can I play 

Saturday, 14 January 2012

In which one memory unseats another

D: TV at 21 Milton St Elwood
D: also, just spotted 2 big tellys in Mitford St at 15 & 67.
Feedme: Thanks, will get there this arvo.

D: Just noticed 15 is gone already!
FM: Must be the bermuda triangle for tvs

D: Hi again, strange but both Tvs are there again this morning.

Quote comes from the Beloga blog

More nothing

Spotter 3: tvs chapel st, opposite nursery xx cxxxxx

FM: Here's the pic. It is quoted from a website by the same name everythingandnothing
BTW - While making this work t had an interesting conversation withe a guy who buggered his shoulder on a gym machine. He said all his friends reckon he should sue the gym. He reckons it was his own fault. Is this a #first world problem? To sue or not to sue?